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Merchant Finder

super.AI mercahnt finder, high performance, high precision, easy to use, ready for production

Swagger API:

Submitting Batches for Processing

This section provides an overview of how to submit batches for processing to the /api/v1/ipv/batches/ endpoint. It includes input requirements and a detailed explanation of the expected output.

Input Requirements

When submitting data for processing, ensure that your input is in JSON Lines format and includes the following keys. If the keys are not exactly as specified, the input will be rejected:

  "ID": "SEFD1423233",
  "MerchantName": "STARBUCKS 3211",
  "MerchantCity": "Berlin",
  "MerchantState": "",
  "MerchantZip": "13088",
  "MerchantCountry": "GERMANY",
  "MerchantNameSecondary": "",
  "MerchantCitySecondary": "",
  "MerchantStreetAddress": "",
  "MerchantStateSecondary": "",
  "MerchantZipSecondary": "",
  "MerchantCountrySecondary": "GERMANY",
  "filename": "1.csv"

Output Explanation

Once the batch is processed, the output will be a JSON object containing detailed information about the submitted merchant data. Below is an explanation of the various fields present in the output:

General Merchant Information

JSON lines Key Description Type
input_ID Customer provided input ID String
input_MerchantName Customer provided primary merchant name String
input_MerchantCity Customer provided city where the merchant is located String
input_MerchantState Customer provided state where the merchant is located String
input_MerchantZip Customer provided postal code of the merchant String
input_MerchantCountry Customer provided country of the merchant String
input_MerchantNameSecondary Customer provided secondary name of the merchant if available String
input_MerchantCitySecondary Customer provided secondary city of the merchant if available String
input_MerchantStreetAddress Customer provided street address of the merchant String
input_MerchantStateSecondary Customer provided secondary state of the merchant if available String
input_MerchantZipSecondary Customer provided secondary postal code of the merchant if available String
input_MerchantCountrySecondary Customer provided secondary country of the merchant if available String

Specific Store Matching Information

JSON Key Description Type
name_address_match_value True/False indicator. True only if the address is within 100 meters of the provided address and there is a high semantic match between the provided name and the specific_store_name_value field. Boolean
name_address_match_confidence Confidence that the specificstore* fields are accurately matched to the provided merchant name and address. A score near 1 suggests a high likelihood of accuracy, while a score near 0 suggests a low likelihood. Float
name_address_match_explanation Detailed explanation of how the name and address match was assessed, detailing contributions from each field and the computation of the match score. String
name_address_match_reference Deprecated. This field references the specific store address that was matched to the provided merchant name and address. This field is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use specific_store_formatted_address instead. String
name_address_match_place_id Unique identifier for the matched place from an external database. String
nearby_matches_samebrand_count Count of nearby locations matching the same brand as the primary merchant. Integer
nearby_matches Detailed list of nearby merchant locations that match the primary merchant, including distances and addresses. String
specific_store_name_value Name of the specific store that matches the provided merchant information. String
specific_store_formatted_address Complete and formatted address of the matched specific store. String
specific_store_street_address Street address of the matched specific store. String
specific_store_zip_code Postal code of the matched specific store. String
specific_store_country Country of the matched specific store. String
specific_store_latitude Latitude coordinate of the specific store. Float
specific_store_longitude Longitude coordinate of the specific store. Float
specific_store_website Website URL of the specific store. String
specific_store_phone Contact phone number of the specific store. String
specific_store_type Type or category of business conducted at the specific store. String
specific_store_thumbnail Thumbnail image URL representing the specific store. String

Brand and Enterprise Information

JSON lines Key Description Type
brand_name_value Brand name associated with the merchant as identified in the input. String
brand_name_confidence Confidence score reflecting the likelihood that the identified brand name is correct. Float
brand_name_reference External reference confirming the identified brand name. String
brand_name_explanation Explanation of how the brand name was matched or associated with the provided merchant name. String
regional_enterprise_name_value Name of the regional enterprise associated with the merchant if applicable. String
regional_enterprise_name_confidence Confidence score reflecting the likelihood that the identified regional enterprise name is correct. Float
regional_enterprise_name_explanation Explanation of how the regional enterprise name relates to the provided merchant data. String

User Management

This section covers the essential user management processes within our system, including user creation, password changes, and authentication. User accounts are currently created by, and users are notified via email which includes initial login details. For security, users must change their initial password using specific AWS commands. Once the password is updated, users can authenticate to receive an access token, enabling them to manage API keys and access other system endpoints.

User Creation Process

Currently, user accounts are set up exclusively by Once an account is created:

  1. Confirmation Email: The user will receive a confirmation email at the address provided during registration.
  2. Password Setup: The email contains initial login credentials and instructions for setting a new password.

Password Change Process

To change your password, follow these steps:

  1. Initiate Password Change: Open your terminal, and run the following command. Replace <EMAIL> and <INITIAL PASSWORD> with the credentials from your invitation email.
aws cognito-idp initiate-auth --client-id 3873a1pma19r4f2oug9actik46 --auth-flow USER_PASSWORD_AUTH --auth-parameters USERNAME=<EMAIL>,PASSWORD=<INITIAL_PASSWORD> --region eu-central-1

This command will return a session hash.

  1. Complete Password Change: Copy the session hash from the previous step. Run the following command, replacing <SESSION_FROM_THE_PREVIOUS_STEP>, <EMAIL>, and <NEW_PASSWORD>:
    aws cognito-idp respond-to-auth-challenge --client-id 3873a1pma19r4f2oug9actik46 --challenge-name NEW_PASSWORD_REQUIRED --session <SESSION_FROM_THE_PREVIOUS_STEP> --challenge-responses USERNAME=<EMAIL>,NEW_PASSWORD=<NEW_PASSWORD> --region=eu-central-1
    Once executed, your password will be successfully updated.

Authentication and API Access

After setting or changing your password, you can authenticate to access the system:

  1. Authentication Command:
aws cognito-idp initiate-auth --client-id 3873a1pma19r4f2oug9actik46 --auth-flow USER_PASSWORD_AUTH --auth-parameters USERNAME=<EMAIL>,PASSWORD=<PASSWORD> --region eu-central-1

This will provide you with a response containing your RefreshToken and AccessToken.

  1. Using the AccessToken:
  2. Validity: The access token is valid for up to 24 hours.
  3. API Key Management: Use the access token to create, list, or delete API keys through the /auth endpoint.
  4. Accessing Other Endpoints: All other API endpoints must be accessed using the API key generated from the /auth endpoint.


  • The /auth endpoints require an AccessToken for all operations.
  • Ensure that all commands are executed in the correct AWS region (eu-central-1) as specified.

This documentation aims to guide you through the initial setup and routine operations required to effectively utilize our API services. For additional support, please refer to the contact details provided in our documentation site.

Security Overview

This section provides an in-depth look at the security measures and concepts implemented within our system. The primary focus is on user authentication, data protection, and secure access to API endpoints.

User Authentication and Session Management

  1. AWS Cognito: We utilize AWS Cognito for handling all aspects of user authentication. This includes initial authentication during login and subsequent token-based session management.

  2. Secure Authentication Flow: The user initiates authentication by submitting their credentials via a command-line interface, ensuring that sensitive information is not exposed through less secure methods like browser-based forms.

  3. Session Tokens: Upon successful authentication, AWS Cognito issues JSON Web Tokens (JWTs), including an ID Token, Access Token, and a Refresh Token. These tokens are encrypted and designed to ensure that they are tamper-resistant.

  4. Password Management:

  5. Initial Passwords: Initial passwords provided in the user invitation email are temporary and require immediate change upon first login. This process is enforced through a Cognito authentication challenge.

  6. Password Policies: We enforce strong password policies requiring a mix of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols. Passwords must be changed regularly, and previous passwords are disallowed on reset.

Data Encryption

  1. Data at Rest: All sensitive data stored within our databases and storage solutions are encrypted using industry-standard encryption protocols, such as AES-256.

  2. Data in Transit: We use TLS 1.2 and above for all data transmitted between client devices and our servers. This ensures that data remains encrypted as it travels across the network, protecting against eavesdropping and man-in-the-middle attacks.

API Security

  1. API Authentication: Access to our API is secured using the OAuth 2.0 framework. Users must authenticate via AWS Cognito to receive an Access Token, which is then used to make API requests.

  2. Scoped Access: Tokens are scoped to limit permissions based on the user's role and the specific requirements of the application. This minimizes the potential impact of a compromised token.

  3. Token Expiry: Access tokens have a short expiry time (24 hours), reducing the risk of token theft and reuse.

  4. API Gateway Security:

  5. Throttling and Rate Limiting: We implement rate limiting to protect against denial-of-service (DoS) attacks and to manage the load on our backend services.

  6. Endpoint Monitoring: All API endpoints are monitored for unusual access patterns or potential security breaches. Alerts are generated for rapid response by our security team.

Incident Response

  1. Rapid Response: We have an established incident response plan that includes immediate isolation of affected systems, detailed investigations, and communication with affected users and regulatory bodies as necessary.

  2. Continuous Improvement: Findings from incidents are used to further strengthen our security posture and refine our response strategies.

This security architecture is designed to protect against a wide range of digital threats while ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of our users' data. Our commitment to security is integral to our operations, and we continuously strive to enhance our security measures in response to evolving threats.